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ko-kaist (V) X11 fonts for Korean KSC 5601 standard (kaist foundry)
ko-mizi (V) X11 fonts for KSC 5601 standard
ko-x11fonts (V) Korean X11 fonts
konsole Terminal emulator for the K Desktop Environment
kterm Multi-lingual terminal emulator for X
lablgtk1 GTK+ bindings for ocaml
labltk Tk bindings for ocaml
lesstif API compatible clone of the OSF/Motif toolkit
libAppleWM (V) AppleWM library from modular
libdesktop-agnostic Desktop-agnostic library, apis and tools
libdrm Userspace interface to kernel DRM services
libfakekey X Virtual Keyboard Library
libFS X Font Server Interface Library
libgnomekbd Gnome keyboard configuration library
libICE Inter Client Exchange (ICE) library for X
liboldXrandr X RandR extension (Library)
libSM X Session Management Library
libunique Library for writing single instance applications
libunique3 Library for writing single instance applications
libwnck (V) Library to write pagers and tasklists
libwnck3 (V) Library to write pagers and tasklists
libX11 Base X libraries from modular Xorg X11
libXau Authorization Protocol for X from
libXaw X Athena Widgets Library from modular Xorg X11
libxcb X protocol C-language Binding
libXcomposite X Composite Library
libXcursor Client-side cursor loading library for X
libXdamage Xdamage extension (Library)
libxdg-basedir XDG Base Directory library
libXdmcp X Display Manager Control Protocol library from
libXevie X Event Interceptor Library
libXext X Extension library
libxfce4gui Xfce widget library
libxfce4ui Xfce widget library
libxfce4util Xfce basic library
libXfixes Xfixes library and extension of X RandR from modular
libXfont X font Library
libXft Library for configuring and customizing font access
libXi X Input extension library
libXinerama X PanoramiX extension library
libxkbcommon Library to handle keyboard descriptions
libxkbfile The xkbfile Library from modular
libxkbui Library for xkbui
libxklavier High-level API for the X Keyboard Extension (XKB)
libXmu X Miscellaneous Utilities library
libXp X Print Service Extension Library
libXpm X PixMap Library from modular Xorg X11
libXpresent Xlib-compatible API for the Present extension
libXprintUtil X Print Utility Library
libXrandr X RandR Library from
libXrender X Render Library
libXres X Resource Information Extension Library
libXScrnSaver X11 Screen Saver Library
libxshmfence Shared memory 'SyncFence' synchronization primitive
libXt X Toolkit Intrinsics library
libXTrap X Trap Library
libXtst X Tst Library
libXv Xv Extension library
libXvMC XVideo Motion Compensation Library
libXxf86dga Library for the XFree86-DGA X extension
libXxf86misc Library for the XFree86-Misc X extension
libXxf86vm Library for the XFree86-VidMode X extension
lincvs (V) Nice GUI front-end to CVS (using Qt)
listres List resources in widgets
luit Locale and ISO 2022 support for Unicode terminals
lwm (V) Lightweight Window Manager
lxsession Session manager for LXDE
magicpoint (V) X11 based presentation tool
matchbox (V) The Matchbox window manager environment
matchbox-common Shared icons and configuration data for Matchbox
matchbox-desktop Desktop manager for Matchbox
matchbox-nest Matchbox Xnest wrapper
matchbox-panel Panel for Matchbox
matchbox-panel-manager Manager panel for the Matchbox desktop
matchbox-themes-extra Collection of themes for Matchbox
metacity (V) GNOME-compliant window manager
misaki-fonts (V) 8x8 dots X11 bitmap font for JIS X 0208
mlterm Multilingual terminal emulator
modeline Calculates XF86 Modelines to configure your monitor for X11R6
modular-xorg-server Modular X11 server from modular
modular-xorg-server112 Modular X11 server from modular
mono-gnome-bindings (V) Meta-package for Mono (C#) bindings for the GNOME desktop
motif LGPLed Motif toolkit for the X Window System
mowitz More widgets library providing X11 widgets
mrxvt Multi-tabbed terminal emulator with Xft support
multi-aterm Multi-terminal for the X Window System based on aterm
mxterm Motif XTerm
neXtaw NeXTstep-like widgets based on the Athena Widget set
nighthawk (V) C64 Paradroid clone
numlockx Allows you to start X with numlock turned on
ocaml-graphics The latest implementation of the Caml dialect of ML (graphics library)
ocaml-lablgtk GTK+ 2.x bindings for Objective Caml
olvwm (V) Open Look Virtual Window Manager
oneko Like xneko except on the desktop and with other animals
openbsd-input-ws OpenBSD's wscons input driver for modular
otpCalc (V) OTP and S/Key calculator for X
p5-Alien-wxWidgets Building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
p5-Clipboard Copy and paste with any OS
p5-gnome-bindings (V) Meta-package for Perl bindings for the GNOME desktop
p5-gtk2 Perl bindings for GTK+ 2.0